"We operate in an industry where a firm or an adviser can receive an unlimited fine or have their FCA permissions removed due to data breaches, which we believe poses one of the bigger modern day threats to advisory businesses as well as the ability to remain profitable through regulatory change. It is therefore imperative to understand how technology and processes can be deployed to protect your business...”
Here are some of the elements and features you can choose from that make up our GDPR & IT Security service module :-
'Security Assess' - Diagnostic assessment of related IT security & GDPR processes.
Desktop, tablet and mobile device protection & encryption.
Telephony system security.
Email - secure email and document sending.
Secure client communication and messaging.
'Client Portal' - GDPR compliant solution for all client data (investments, pensions, shares, asset, documents, secure messaging).
Cloud document storage - across multiple servers.
Data backup and protection.
Website security.
Paperless office.
The benefits that are achieved through our GDPR & IT Security service module are extensive and help achieve the following :-
Documented business assessment.
Business risk mitigation.
Enhanced professionalism.
Greater brand awareness.
Strong regulatory message to the FCA.
Paperless office.
Cohesive and compliant processes from back office, advice process, CPD, client communication.
Better methods of communication.
Time savings and speed of communication.
Mitigation around Cyber Attacks.
Added value to clients and your advisory process.
Cost and time savings.
Call today, email us or complete our enquiry form and take advantage of our no cost, no obligation initial review service !
Need more information? Contact us
We are here to assist. Contact us by phone, email or via our Social Media channels.